Sunday 30 December 2007


We make much use of the word 'heart' in our lives - it is the first place we were prepared to be made a Good Human Being.

We work towards our heart being expanded by benevolence; we dedicate our heart to the glory of God and the welfare of our fellow mortals.But we seem to interpret this all too often in the sense of philanthropy and compassion, in other words in relation to our fellow man, and not towards ourselves.In fact the heart is at the centre of all we should do on our path to achieve self-knowledge, and the constant search for divinity within the individual.

This is not an academic pursuit - it is the true meaning of life, and through it we hope to 'unfold the beauties of true godliness', to ignite that spark of divinity which resides in each one of us, without which it is so much more difficult to be a truly good and compassionate member of the world we live in.

So wrote Dippy. (certain words changed)

Some are burdened by the fire of their anger, aimed at destruction, more of themselves than others intended. One cannot claim fame to hapiness, as long as he or she is burdened by this anger - mostly from the past and actually inconsequental.

Winter 2007


Mox said...

Testing the comments. Hope it is not spilling over.

Anonymous said...

"Fire in the Heart"

Lead by example, divinity will follow. The past can only be reflected upon: cannot be repaired. The future can be set right: but the past stands by the sidelines. Value system works only when consistent: excuses are just another form of lie, escapism.

Deeds are always written in fire: be it in the heart or the head, whatever the order maybe.

From the files of 'grief" :-)