Thursday 18 August 2011

Arise India

The socialist revolution is on. Indians, both here and around the world, have finally decided that enough is enough. The past years have been akin to living in limbo, suffering the might of the rulers at every junction. These phenomenons exist in the names of ministers to clerks and building inspectors. Arrogance, armed with the knowledge that they already survive on taxed money shelled out by the hard working who have to shell out more anyways, and that nothing will happen to them, and so nothing should be done to be of help. It is time we dumped them along with the garbage, if only one knew what to do with this waste!!!

No religion, no party, no colors, One India…for all Indians. Decades of frustration has resulted in this massive spontaneous peaceful uprising. The actual socialist revolution is on (no Marxism or other isms here). Participate and pledge yourself to the new India. Let us turn our dream of a new India into reality, and in our life time.

Awaken, the time is now…

One India…A New India…for all Indians…

Mohandas Kalipurayath
Calicut, India

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