Thursday, 30 October 2008

The Power of the Profession

The time has come for us to know the Power that we possess. The Power of the knowledge imbibed in us, the Power of the Mandate vested in us by Parliament, and the Power of the Experience we have gained as Civilizations roll along.

Arguably, and often favorably, the Oldest Profession in the whole wide world (www???), Architecture professes the creation of multifaceted built environment. The ability to weave this to a higher level of imagination, at the same time ensuring its clarity as a reflection of our civilization is of paramount importance in itself, subject that the users are to our whims and fancies, often hidden.

We are at certain times faced with the creation of a living space for a family, albeit residence. Do we not have the capacity to ensure peace and happiness in the household via the media of the built / enveloped space? Alternatively, do we not have the power to subject the family to eternal misery by thoughtful or sometimes wrong planning? and wrong decisions. There then lie within us the Powers to ensure peace and prosperity, or the Power to destroy the fabric of the Family.

We are creators of a parallel economy. A Two Rupee / Quarter Dollar tea @ the local tea shop is elevated to the status of a 200 Rupee/ 5 Dollar “pot of tea” at say the Hyatt or the Marriott, only due to the Décor/Ambience created by the designer added with good service and a “dash of a name”. Are we, by the powers vested in us, not creating a parallel economy here? The same is true of famous buildings or Environment, where the saleable market goes up due to the tenacity of the creator. That is the Power we have over the Economy.

My mind goes back to the days of my Architectural schooling, to an event which completely re defined my role in my chosen profession (not by default). Prof Ravindra (currently teaches at Bangalore, India) was a well dressed teacher, however very distant beneath his thick spectacles. Favorite pass time (so it seemed) was to smirk with hands over lips at the basic design models of first and second semester students. Really helped upcoming Ego’s! Nobody knew where he ate, nor what the inside of his cabin looked like.
But all knew that he used to come in at 8.00 AM and leave at 5.00 PM, always opening out a big old umbrella with a curved wooden handle. Now, Manipal is often Hot Hot during the summer days, with horizontal rains during the Monsoon. But the hillock used to be pleasant at 8.00 AM and the sun would have normally retracted by 5.00 PM, bringing in the cools of the Arabian Sea on to the ‘walkers’. But our Profy used to have his wide umbrella open on his entry and departure from the seat of education.
I was a bit mesmerized by this chap, and decided that there is more to him then he would let out. As adventurous as I am, I embarked on the dark journey to his abode @ the college, greeted by a surprised ‘yes’ to the knocks on his porch. On entry, after being asked to take a seat addressed as “Mr. Mohandas” (knew his decency) – he peered at me quizzically, posting a look at his first visitor in maybe years, the early marauder!!!
I, a bit ruffled, ventured to question him on his open umbrella in times of good weather, during the entry and exit. He did look at me quizzically once more, as if “how did this chap land up here, both in the cabin and for the course?”

His answer was sudden: Mr. Mohandas, when I come in and go out, the whole college is doing the same thing, resulting in a rush at the gates and other places. My umbrella creates a space around me, into which no one can enter without my permission.

Things dawn on me in flashes. This was the essence of my new profession. I went back and destroyed the basic design model I was engaged in (which was supposedly OK for a first year student, as per the decision of more experienced seniors)!!!!!

Exercise our powers with the diligence it requires, but primarily understand the POWER we are vested with.

Ar. Mohandas Kalipurayath, B.Arch, FIIA
Past Jr Vice President & Council Member, the Indian Institute of Architects
Assessor, Council of Architecture (India)
Past President, NASA (India)

Friday, 24 October 2008

The Festival of Lights

'Festival of Lights' or Diwali is a festival of charisma and splendor. Diwali has been given the traditional name of 'festival of lights' because of the hundreds and thousands of small oil lamps or diyas lighted by many hearths, and many hearts.

The burning of these diyas are considered to be the lighted pathway of a person's expression of happiness and also a manner of paying obeisance to God, the Supreme power for attainment of health, prosperity, knowledge, financial security and peace in one's life.'

The festival of lights' is celebrated with much enthusiasm and zeal in all of north India. In fact the festival of Diwali is regarded to bring the supernatural joy and brightness in a person's life with the hope of discovering light amidst darkness, achieving knowledge in place of ignorance and spreading of love amidst hatred and violence.

The tradition of lighting the diyas on Diwali holds much importance as in Hindu mythology light signifies goodness and vitality. The idea behind the lighting of diyas and candles on the festival of lights comes from a number of stories as mentioned in the Hindu mythology. The most famous of these stories is the story revolving around Lord Ram and his family. Diwali celebrates the homecoming of Lord Ram, who according to a legend came home to Ayodhya after defeating Ravana and spending fourteen years in exile. As with other Indian festivals, Diwali signifies many different things to people across the country. Like in Gujarat, the festival is celebrated to honor goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth; and in Bengal, it is related to the goddess Kali.

Though, everywhere, it is finally celebrated with the same sprit and signifies the renewal of life.

A Very Happy Diwali to all of you. May the Light always lead us on……..and this Diwali, let us remember to ensure that the light in our heart is always alive.

M Kalipurayath
October 2008

Thursday, 2 October 2008


Man wanders through life, sometimes aimlessly, sometimes with am objective in sight/ mind.

The transition from birth to death is a voyage, a journey called Sanyas.

The famous hill shrine of Sabarimala, the abode of Lord Ayyappa, illustrates this by its philosophy – of that of “Thatwamasi” – Understand Youself - “Nee than deivam” – You are the god!!!

This is attained by ascending the 18 steps of the “Padinettam Padi” , not literally and physically – but more metaphysically. Each of the 18 steps point out to one of the dormant ‘wrongs’ in our system – like Kama (lust), Kroda (anger) ET All. Overcoming the 18 wrongs, one attains the summit (both of the temple and also the true understanding of our ‘self”) – Ahom – I,
where, etched in stone on the Temple wall, and to be etched in our minds through licks of fire – stands those words – “Thatwamasi”

In the Bible, you will find a parallel – “The kingdom of thy gods, thou shall find in thy own hearts”.

The “Flash” was discovered by me, thanks to a blogger, in the Bible again –
Revelation: Chapter 22 – which is the ‘essence’ of that holy book, and most others of parallel ‘religions’, wherever and whatever they might be.

All the methodologies adopted, fasting, abstinence ET All, are only to tune our mind and body to attain that frequency of vibration which would allow us to breach our own ‘shells’.

Sanyas, then, would have to maybe start before birth, and maybe conception???

Today we celebrate the birth of a great visionary, the Mahatma. Can we not tune inwards to see/ feel our country better, just like an attempt to see/ feel ourselves better???

M Kalipurayath
October 2008

Two Months Past

Hi there. It has been two months since I blogged here. Time problems!!!
Hope this continues.........

Tuesday, 29 July 2008

I would still have dinner!!!

The was an old story about the bus, all one could do while you wait for the bus is talk about it, but the moment the bus comes – all you want to do is get on the bus, without someone shoving you out

This brings me again to the question, whom am I, whom are you, and what are you? Personality is a subjective philosophy, whom are we to judge?

And there was this powerful woman, with her words....

I will still have dinner with a lady, candles blowing – but staring into her eyes

Thursday, 17 July 2008


Anony - the person mentioned is the latter, I do not remember the year, but more or less that. But that being beyond the limit of my concept of Ahom, you seem to be a 'Muddled Mosaic'!!!(and who is not?)

The concepts of 'who am I, where am I, are all relative in nature. Expressions have been coined in the past, sometimes to be jolted out due to variance in situations and ideologies accepted from time to time. The write up on my friend being asked at the toll gate is a reflection of that - Are you returning? - an answer in the affirmative would have given him Rs 8 instead of the 5 Rupees for the one way fare. It is a one way journey, but you can come back once in a while to reflect, and change course if one finds the earlier path not consistent with his/her philosophy. That was his reply - "ask god"!!!

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

The Ramayana

In the Ramayana ,there is mention of Lord Rama, thankful to Hanuman, saying thus :

What can I give you, take whatever you desire

Hanuman : Lord, the only desire I have is that you take away my desire to have!!!

Saturday, 12 July 2008

On the Level

Most religions, popular and otherwise, encourage one to be on the level, with others, with nature, and most importantly – to be on the level with oneself.
As an offshoot of a comment, under the revelation in one of the holy books, when John fell at the feet of the Angel – in awe – the response sums up quite all – “see that you do not do that, for I am your fellow servant…….”

“I (Ahom) am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last”

Aquarius, the sign of water, is but only an element!!!

Moving towards mid July 2008

Sunday, 22 June 2008

What the Eyes (does not) behold!!

Scene 1 - Hospital Ward - "Room with a view"

There was a patient in the bed next to the window in the ward who was kind hearted. On the next bed was a patient who could not move, and who had no view of the outside. The fellow on the bed next to the window used to explain to the other about the activities in the great park outside, of children playing, birds chirping ET All, a running commentary for many months. This kept the other patient connected to the world, and made him very happy.

Then the patient next to the window passed away, and his friend was in grief. However, he asked to be shifted to the bed next to the window, which they did. Once there, and upon peering through the window, all he could see was a dark blank wall. Who put up the wall? he queried. It was always there, the wall - it was just the compassion of his fellow patient and a desire to make him happy which had negated the wall for many a month!!!

M Kalipurayath
End june 2008
Bangalore, India

Saturday, 21 June 2008

An Ode to “Anonymous”

I would say that the concept of “platforms of Thought” has relevance here. How does one judge what is good/ right? One has to initially comprehend the meaning of bad, the feel of what is not right. Only then does the judgment of what is good hold well. A man who has enjoyed wealth all his life would find it difficult to comprehend the miseries of abject poverty. Hence the need for the good and bad, light and darkness, The Yin and the Yang, and more importantly the need to strike a balance between them, which would be in resonance with the vibrations of nature.

Man is the only animal which kills for nothing. All other creatures kill either for food, or in fear.

To “Anonymous’ – can I have a name/ number attached? Gives a visual effect to what you are typing in. One of the gifts of creation is the ability to dream, design on clouds – as long as you know how to make that castle stand – well – most of the times!!! – And you seem to have a wonderful sense of justice – Artha Shastra???

Tuesday, 17 June 2008


Righteousness has it's own path, but the Myopic can't see it. I think it was Gabriel Marquez who asked - god made man as an 'amenable' creature. Then to test dose the concept, put man in a beautiful and romantic garden called Eden. To add salt on a wound, he pointed to an apple and told Adam not to touch it, after instilling curiosity and vanity in man. Then he put Eve in front of Adam and told him not to touch her either, after imbibing him with knowledge of all the sensuous pleasures.
How the hell can you blame Adam or eve?, God was a possessive and erratic player here. But it seems he won, while Adam got the Apple, Eve, and the Curse!!!

Saturday, 14 June 2008

Fortunate, we are!!!

We are very fortunate, compared to what others have, or more importantly, don't have. But we try to measure our luck only with those who are most successful, and most endowed. And in doing this, we cast our shadows on ourselves.


Imagination.....that is a long word!!!. And what is it that touches our heart?. Can one presume that all has platforms of thought, and does imagination add spice to what and how we feel?. Is it the "imagination less" who are considered practical and socially acceptable, albeit sometimes referred to as cold blooded and successful?. The variant with the spice (imagination) added is often referred to as the erratic, the eccentric. What then, is the fate of the one who adds fantasy to that of imagination, or understands fantasy as an extension of the flight called imagination???...cruel itself is the word conjoined for this ecstasy...crazy, mad ET All.

Monday, 9 June 2008

On the Baltic’s – aboard the “Crown Princess”

Thro Colombo and a two day stint in Paris, we, an eager group, finally arrived at Copenhagen to behold our vessel for the next ten days – the Crown Princess. To say that she stood tall would be an understatement, 19 floors above the water and apparently 60 Meters below – 1500 State rooms and a crew of 1600, of mixed nationalities but common reactions.

A quick tour around brought me to the conclusion – it is the Sky walkers Night Club and the Wheel house bar that is where I am meant to be. The crowd @ the Sky walker’s was usually thin, owing to hectic in land traveling during the day and also due to the above ‘swinging’ age of the average passenger(not that they were not ‘swinging’ in their minds, hearts and souls!!!
The Wheel House was albeit different, the crowd swelling from near thin on the first night to being talked about as the ‘in’ bar on the Ship, may she always sail in pride. That was largely due to the courtesy of the staff there, from pretty Katerina (Kathy) of Macedonia to the handsome gentleman from Goa, India.
But the best was yet to be seen. The Tempo Quatro- Christian on his Roland drums, Doru on his Borg keys, and Marian and the irresistible Monica crooning away late into the night all that strikes your heart, a Hindi Cha Cha Cha included for their ‘Indian Friend’, which she down loaded just to play for us/ Me???. – They made my trip ‘SUPER SWELL’!!! – I am flying in to Romania – that is their country, Bucharest awaits me!!!

After being on The Baltic Sea @ May 2008

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

"I" - Ahom

Ahom – "I" – Atom – Ahom Brahmasmi

One is constantly needled by the term - it is not for me, I did it for…….. The “I” is omnipotent there. Did I do it for……, or did I do it so that I benefit by that person benefiting?

It is an unexpressed thought. It is finally “I” who benefit, in some long drawn out manner, albeit most in the immediate future.

Is it necessary to post the “I” after the others, as we are customized to think? Or is it the law of nature that “I” precedes everything else? YES, if scriptures are to be believed.

“Thatwamasi” – You are thy own god, is the under lying essence of Hinduism. The Bible says “the kingdom of thy own gods thou shall find in thy own hearts” (not Ad Verbatim).

The constant search for ‘I’, the import of that word, what it encompasses, is codified in these words – Who are you? What are you?. It is this search which leads us on, simply referred to as ‘enlightenment’.

The rest are merely paths to help us grope our way through!!!

‘Ides’ of May

Monday, 31 March 2008

E Mantra for the day/year

Oh mighty mother board, today help me go thro the 24 Hrs, without getting Compressed, Zipped up into small size files, uninterrupted due to 'power' faults.

Let the true sense of the circuitry prevail, let not the Internal devices get heated up due to undue stress on the system.

Let the power loads be uniform, the day and night un fluctuating.

Let my Software Integrate/collaborate/Converge And the many 'Bytes' of unnecessary Viruses that enter my domain be rejected.

Oh Mighty Mother Board, let me be on Screen Saver mode, that the system may recuperate so that I may offer plenty of calculations, which integrate into the outside system.

Oh, ensure that you are always 'On' with me on this.

E Guruji

Friday, 21 March 2008

Rain Drops on Roses

I am building a cottage, up in the hills, which Manasi has named thus - ‘Rain Drops on Roses’. Surendran, (the best Interior Contractor this side of the globe) is attending to it. Since the work was delayed due to certain reasons, the temporary ladder that was kept to gain access to the main ‘tree top’ area was removed, resulting in the fact that I could not climb up for designing purposes. I thought that this was for security reasons.

On my last visit there two days back with Surendran, ostensibly with the purpose of finishing the works, Surendran told me the story of the ‘Tough Monkey’ which resides there in my absence. He pointed out that he had ordered the removal of the ladder so that the Monkey cannot be in residence – as a precaution to the security of the building materials lying there. As an afterthought, he muttered – maybe the Monkey can climb thro the four pillars holding it up. He had forgotten about me, and my need to climb up. I have heard of people providing a ladder for a Monkey, but denying one???. A perfect example of ‘OVER DESIGN’, from a person with whom I normally bond aesthetically.

Friday, 7 March 2008

On your Return

On one of my travels in a friend’s car, we approached the inevitable icon of advancement in highway design and finance – the Toll Gate. The window lowered, he passed on a 50 Rupee note to the Vendor, who promptly asked the recorded question – RETURN???

‘Padachonodu Chodikyanom’ – will have to ask the Almighty, was the response from my friend.

Which brings me on to the topic – are we moving in a unidirectional path? Are there opportunities to stop, and then procrastinate, so that one may retrace his or her steps in correcting something which at an earlier point of time might have looked different with the available data then?

Or are opportunities/chances once missed in the plane of the non correctable? Is that why we make attempts to ‘make up’?

If different situations at different points of time result in varied ideas of the sense of Justice, Truth and Valor, can they be actually considered permanent, or are these virtues Dynamic to the extent of being ‘Maya – Illusion’. At what point in time should one attempt to rationalize the concept of Justness? – knowing fully well that the ever changing values will render it unfit for such classification at a later point of time.

Hello to the World

Hello everybody - it's been some time now since I Blogged. Ever moving dimensions of every day existence sometimes allow you the freedom to abandon and not do things which you actually want to do - concentrating instead on issues which you want no role in. That is how Life has been packaged - the early morning sun shine is sometimes only a beautiful ribbon on an otherwise empty package.

Monday, 21 January 2008

Dinner with her!!!

I am having dinner with her-----

The music soft, the candles flickering, the flames licking her soft flesh,

Mesmerized, my eyes engulf the beauty in front, my mind the extended envelope of a positive vibration.

My hands caress those long fingers,

And I bring myself to whisper – those much awaited three beautiful words –

Pay The Bill!!!

Friday, 18 January 2008

The General Agreement on Trade and Services

The General Agreement on Trade and Services (GATS) has created a lot of interest in all areas of professional services. Conflict is on in professional circles on the methodology to be adopted – often so deliberated to achieve nothing but confusion.

The general fear in all circles – regardless of the profession – is that of being ‘gobbled up’ by the large firms and companies from abroad. This is further accentuated by the fact that the large companies who entered India – albeit not entirely legally – in the mid 2000’s were employing staff at wages and salaries much higher than the normal industrial standards, resulting in a drain on available technical manpower, and this along with the growing exodus to the new gulf boom, resulted in most firms crying foul. Firms of Architects have not till now felt the ill effects of mergers and acquisitions – nee ‘Gobbling up’ – but this is not true of other professions like the legal and accounting. We now look at these as perfect examples of the ill effects of opening out the economy. The fear is cloaked in such language as ‘the projects are all here, what will we do trying for projects outside’?

Basically – we are SCARED!!!

I, for one – at the expense of the pleasure of my colleagues – have always looked upon the proposed opening out as an opportunity to at last gear up to the new techno challenge.
Of course, the fear that clients feel elevated in associating with ‘foreign’ firms are by and large real, but that fear has to be eliminated by dedicated and elevated standards of professional services to be delivered by the current players of the Indian industry.

The knowledge and capacity of Indian professionals are well known all around the world, cutting across professions. Where others score above us is only in ‘the systems’ involved, of the approach to finding and delivering solutions.

Care has to be taken about another ‘real’ factor – that of the high cost of software and associated paraphernalia of running a private practice today, compared to the cost of a drawing board a decade back. This is where the Dollar power can negate the Rupee, and is a matter of actual concern.

The Time for Complaints is Passé!!!

Mohandas Kalipurayath

India, January 2008

Sunday, 13 January 2008

The Sound of the Bells

Once upon a time, a group of persons built a temple, which was as beautiful as it was magnificent. Then they hung small little bells all around it. These bells used to tinkle in the light breeze, creating a sound most harmonious. People used to come from far and near to hear the Sounds of the Bells.

On came a flood, and the temple was submerged. One could not hear the bells anymore. Over the years, fame of the temple dwindled, but did not vanish. Many years later, a young man from afar, desirous of hearing the bells, came to the shores where the temple once stood. He stayed there for many years, but failed to hear the sound of the bells. All he could hear was the sound of the sea. He tried to shut out the sound of the sea so that he could hear the bells, but in vain. At long last, frustrated at not hearing the bells, he decided to leave. On the last day, he walked to the shore and flung himself on the sand – and then – THROUGH THE SOUNDS OF THE SEA, HE HEARD THE SOUND OF THE BELLS.

It was always there, he just could not tune himself to hear it earlier!!!

January 2008

Thursday, 3 January 2008

Jiddu and I

Jiddu Krishnamurthy was in the middle of one of his numerous lectures. A man got up and asked – Mr. Murthy, is you mad?Krishnamurthy stopped his speech, looked at the man in the eye, and asked back – Mr. So and so, Are you sure that you are Sane?If you are, then you can call me mad. The man had no answer. The thin line between reality and fantasy, often merging into one another. Where is the beginning?Real for one can be fantasy for some.


An often asked question - Who are you? Isn’t that all we need to know?

This brings me to a favorite subject - The Platforms of Thought. Shall type in on that later.

Creativity unbound, un-leashed, is a true delicacy. If I am an instrument in that process, I would take it as god send.Yes, if you feel that there is something you need to put down on paper, either in Calligraphic or Graphic form, you must.

I was talking to someone on the power of my profession. A cup of Chai (tea) on the road side which costs Two Rupees ends up being sold at the Oberoi and the Hyatt at Two Hundred. The difference is the ambience - which we create, and the hospitality - where the catering guys pitch in. Add a name, and you have it. With the power of our profession, we are creating an economy.

On my return from Shiraz, I used to sleep in the same room with my grand mother. She made me understand the need for putting down in words thoughts as they occur. You will forget it later, she used to say. Definitely the truth, cause at that later stage, one sometimes cannot grasp the issue with the same clarity as when it first flashed.

I made a new year wish. They have given me a file number for that wish. Don't know when they will process it. Seems they are busy in the other world!

Emperor Designate
Winter 2008 (Jan)

Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Hi 2008 - VOLCOM to the world

And now the new year dawns
Anything possible – says Siva!

n Rotation, in the Revolution around the Source,
Let us spin – to even dizzier heights.

Emperor Designate
Message to the World
1st January 2008

OH 07

On the salient waters of the Mandovi,
Ebbing, flowing,
The moon - a distinct circle,
Casting her silver rays in plenty.

A glimmer, as the boat rocks,
Rain drops on the long long hair, like tears - dripping in ecstasy,
The Nose pink, tuned to the chilling breeze
That was a vision full - portrayal of perfection at its best!

Then again, alone,
On the Chao Phraya,
Memories clashed,
Truth prevailed!!!

Experienced in 2006
Posted on 1st Jan 08