Saturday, 18 December 2010

The ills of being famous…..

A senior octogenarian leader is yet again on his death bed. A sparkle, he rode the waves of Kerala politics for many decades. His ills and wills notwithstanding, the likes of him can only be equated with the veteran communist leader the late and great EMS Nampoothiripad himself.

But all for what…..?. Kids and teachers pray for his end on working days. The employer places his bet on Sundays and holidays.

But in all it is the prayer of death. Signs of any recovery are met with nervous sighs. One hopes that he has had the opportunity of reading the “Bardo Thodyal”, the Tibetan book of the dead. Here they teach you to prepare yourself for the seven weeks after death. But since in space there is no time, one can only safely presume that this is the preparation for the final journey…the ultimate ecstasy.

But all is not lost. There does exist a few who pray for his ‘prolonged’ health, so that it is extended beyond the ‘function’ date, as the leader’s death could result in sudden holidays.


M Kalipurayath, Dec 2010 -