Tuesday, 29 July 2008

I would still have dinner!!!

The was an old story about the bus, all one could do while you wait for the bus is talk about it, but the moment the bus comes – all you want to do is get on the bus, without someone shoving you out

This brings me again to the question, whom am I, whom are you, and what are you? Personality is a subjective philosophy, whom are we to judge?

And there was this powerful woman, with her words....

I will still have dinner with a lady, candles blowing – but staring into her eyes

Thursday, 17 July 2008


Anony - the person mentioned is the latter, I do not remember the year, but more or less that. But that being beyond the limit of my concept of Ahom, you seem to be a 'Muddled Mosaic'!!!(and who is not?)

The concepts of 'who am I, where am I, are all relative in nature. Expressions have been coined in the past, sometimes to be jolted out due to variance in situations and ideologies accepted from time to time. The write up on my friend being asked at the toll gate is a reflection of that - Are you returning? - an answer in the affirmative would have given him Rs 8 instead of the 5 Rupees for the one way fare. It is a one way journey, but you can come back once in a while to reflect, and change course if one finds the earlier path not consistent with his/her philosophy. That was his reply - "ask god"!!!

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

The Ramayana

In the Ramayana ,there is mention of Lord Rama, thankful to Hanuman, saying thus :

What can I give you, take whatever you desire

Hanuman : Lord, the only desire I have is that you take away my desire to have!!!

Saturday, 12 July 2008

On the Level

Most religions, popular and otherwise, encourage one to be on the level, with others, with nature, and most importantly – to be on the level with oneself.
As an offshoot of a comment, under the revelation in one of the holy books, when John fell at the feet of the Angel – in awe – the response sums up quite all – “see that you do not do that, for I am your fellow servant…….”

“I (Ahom) am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last”

Aquarius, the sign of water, is but only an element!!!

Moving towards mid July 2008