Monday, 21 January 2008

Dinner with her!!!

I am having dinner with her-----

The music soft, the candles flickering, the flames licking her soft flesh,

Mesmerized, my eyes engulf the beauty in front, my mind the extended envelope of a positive vibration.

My hands caress those long fingers,

And I bring myself to whisper – those much awaited three beautiful words –

Pay The Bill!!!

Friday, 18 January 2008

The General Agreement on Trade and Services

The General Agreement on Trade and Services (GATS) has created a lot of interest in all areas of professional services. Conflict is on in professional circles on the methodology to be adopted – often so deliberated to achieve nothing but confusion.

The general fear in all circles – regardless of the profession – is that of being ‘gobbled up’ by the large firms and companies from abroad. This is further accentuated by the fact that the large companies who entered India – albeit not entirely legally – in the mid 2000’s were employing staff at wages and salaries much higher than the normal industrial standards, resulting in a drain on available technical manpower, and this along with the growing exodus to the new gulf boom, resulted in most firms crying foul. Firms of Architects have not till now felt the ill effects of mergers and acquisitions – nee ‘Gobbling up’ – but this is not true of other professions like the legal and accounting. We now look at these as perfect examples of the ill effects of opening out the economy. The fear is cloaked in such language as ‘the projects are all here, what will we do trying for projects outside’?

Basically – we are SCARED!!!

I, for one – at the expense of the pleasure of my colleagues – have always looked upon the proposed opening out as an opportunity to at last gear up to the new techno challenge.
Of course, the fear that clients feel elevated in associating with ‘foreign’ firms are by and large real, but that fear has to be eliminated by dedicated and elevated standards of professional services to be delivered by the current players of the Indian industry.

The knowledge and capacity of Indian professionals are well known all around the world, cutting across professions. Where others score above us is only in ‘the systems’ involved, of the approach to finding and delivering solutions.

Care has to be taken about another ‘real’ factor – that of the high cost of software and associated paraphernalia of running a private practice today, compared to the cost of a drawing board a decade back. This is where the Dollar power can negate the Rupee, and is a matter of actual concern.

The Time for Complaints is Passé!!!

Mohandas Kalipurayath

India, January 2008

Sunday, 13 January 2008

The Sound of the Bells

Once upon a time, a group of persons built a temple, which was as beautiful as it was magnificent. Then they hung small little bells all around it. These bells used to tinkle in the light breeze, creating a sound most harmonious. People used to come from far and near to hear the Sounds of the Bells.

On came a flood, and the temple was submerged. One could not hear the bells anymore. Over the years, fame of the temple dwindled, but did not vanish. Many years later, a young man from afar, desirous of hearing the bells, came to the shores where the temple once stood. He stayed there for many years, but failed to hear the sound of the bells. All he could hear was the sound of the sea. He tried to shut out the sound of the sea so that he could hear the bells, but in vain. At long last, frustrated at not hearing the bells, he decided to leave. On the last day, he walked to the shore and flung himself on the sand – and then – THROUGH THE SOUNDS OF THE SEA, HE HEARD THE SOUND OF THE BELLS.

It was always there, he just could not tune himself to hear it earlier!!!

January 2008

Thursday, 3 January 2008

Jiddu and I

Jiddu Krishnamurthy was in the middle of one of his numerous lectures. A man got up and asked – Mr. Murthy, is you mad?Krishnamurthy stopped his speech, looked at the man in the eye, and asked back – Mr. So and so, Are you sure that you are Sane?If you are, then you can call me mad. The man had no answer. The thin line between reality and fantasy, often merging into one another. Where is the beginning?Real for one can be fantasy for some.


An often asked question - Who are you? Isn’t that all we need to know?

This brings me to a favorite subject - The Platforms of Thought. Shall type in on that later.

Creativity unbound, un-leashed, is a true delicacy. If I am an instrument in that process, I would take it as god send.Yes, if you feel that there is something you need to put down on paper, either in Calligraphic or Graphic form, you must.

I was talking to someone on the power of my profession. A cup of Chai (tea) on the road side which costs Two Rupees ends up being sold at the Oberoi and the Hyatt at Two Hundred. The difference is the ambience - which we create, and the hospitality - where the catering guys pitch in. Add a name, and you have it. With the power of our profession, we are creating an economy.

On my return from Shiraz, I used to sleep in the same room with my grand mother. She made me understand the need for putting down in words thoughts as they occur. You will forget it later, she used to say. Definitely the truth, cause at that later stage, one sometimes cannot grasp the issue with the same clarity as when it first flashed.

I made a new year wish. They have given me a file number for that wish. Don't know when they will process it. Seems they are busy in the other world!

Emperor Designate
Winter 2008 (Jan)

Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Hi 2008 - VOLCOM to the world

And now the new year dawns
Anything possible – says Siva!

n Rotation, in the Revolution around the Source,
Let us spin – to even dizzier heights.

Emperor Designate
Message to the World
1st January 2008

OH 07

On the salient waters of the Mandovi,
Ebbing, flowing,
The moon - a distinct circle,
Casting her silver rays in plenty.

A glimmer, as the boat rocks,
Rain drops on the long long hair, like tears - dripping in ecstasy,
The Nose pink, tuned to the chilling breeze
That was a vision full - portrayal of perfection at its best!

Then again, alone,
On the Chao Phraya,
Memories clashed,
Truth prevailed!!!

Experienced in 2006
Posted on 1st Jan 08